Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Not The Virus

I have absolutely no idea why but this picture really reminds me of my ex boyfriend The Virus. Maybe it's that he is wearing all black, or the way he is standing, or maybe it's that I am assuming those are tapered pants he is wearing, because he really looks nothing like this:

Either way it's bad news because I really don't want to think of The Virus every time I hear this band, which I suck because I forget what band's site I got this from. I'm so fired.


posted by The Dutchess of Kickball @ 2:41 PM   0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Serious Eyeliner

Now that is what I call some serious eyeliner!


posted by The Dutchess of Kickball @ 3:46 PM   1 comments

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