Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tonight is the season 5 premier of LOST! This is the day that all Lost junkies have been impatiently awaiting for 9 long, Lost free months. A recent interview between the Television Critics Association and Lost executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof brought up the concept of Guyliner. Does Nestor Carbonell, the actor who plays Richard Alpert, wear eyeliner? According to the producers, it is in fact, fake!

Lindelof: When we first saw dailies of Nestor, we said, “We gotta talk to him about the eyeliner situation.” [But] he is completely sans makeup. Just watch him on a smaller screen, I guess
Cuse: The true mystery of “Lost” is: “Is Nester wearing makeup?” I guess.

What do you think? Eyeliner or not?

Image Source: Broadcasting & Cable

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posted by The Dutchess of Kickball @ 7:08 AM  

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